Happy 2020 (New Decade)!!!

Hey Ya'll!

 It's been a while. Just wanted to come through and wish everyone a Happy New Year! I can't believe it is a new year and a whole new decade! 
Whoo hoo, we made it!!!

I won't even ask what your New Year's resolutions are because I believe in working on myself all year round.  I will continue to put more content out there (check out my YouTube page:  B. Araba), on my health journey ( I probably should have put that first.  Lol!), writing, recording and performing music, more painting and drawing, and creating and I can't forget writing poetry, short stories, scripts and plays.  I will be putting more time into my blog, as well as, getting more of my writing published and hopefully on the TV and FILM screens, internationally (yes, I am putting it out there).  May the manifestation Gods hear me and do their thing!!! Remember to keep on doing you, staying strong no matter the storms and being positive through every situation and being kind to others.  We share this great big earth with everyone on it so let's do our best to love and try to understand each other!  
Until next time!!

XOXO -Araba


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