Parenting 101

To all my parents out there and future parents, just know there will be good and bad days; so cherish the great ones.  I know someone out there needed to read that.  I am the mother of an almost 18 year old, so I know.  Plus, I work for child welfare so I see all types of different families and children.  At the end of the day whether you birth your child or adopted them by law or by happen stance, raising them can bring about challenges and disappointments.  Through out my years of working with children and raising my own, I know that children don't just need love, but they need consistency, knowledge and understanding.  Setting the standard and having follow through is so important.  Having a village to help raise children is also very important.  Now, I know that there are all types of families and some families just don't have that extra support system whether it be other family members, friends or accessible community resources.  Sometimes your immediate family is it.  That is fine and in that vein your bond and connection should be that much stronger.  As a parent, you should also find some free time for yourself, whether you get some time out of your home or just take 10-20 minutes to yourself in the bathroom or wherever else you can find refuge; make sure you find it.  It is so important to have that "me time" so that you can give your best to the little ones.  As time goes on, I have become more interested in topics around child rearing and some of the obstacles and triumphs of parenthood.  I will definitely go in depth in the future, but remember that all days are not bad days.  Cherish all the bad and great moments and those in between because before you know it your child or children will be an adult contemplating some of the decisions that you are facing now.



My daughter, Alana, when she was 3 months old.


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