The New Normal

Anywhere in New Jersey

Welp, at this point it is quite clear that 2020 is off to an interesting start, to say the least.  First off,  I hope all of you are safe and well.  I can't for the life of me understand why it took a pandemic for the world, as a whole, to practice basic hygiene:  washing hands with soap (properly), covering your nose and mouth when sneezing and staying home when sick.  For someone who has an autoimmune dis-ease, this is an even more scary time.  So, like the positive person that I aim to be, I am urging everyone to sharpen themselves, spiritually, physically and mentally.  Stay POSITIVE!  Being negative will not help this situation out in the least.  Take this time to learn about yourself and work on yourself.  Improve things in your life that you were too busy to deal with before.  Nurture yourself!  Love on yourself! PROTECT yourself!  Spend time with family and friends that you live with or virtually.  This is the time folks?  People are dying not just from COVID-19, but from the other many dis-eases out there in the world.  Make sure to check up on those who live alone and our older population.  If you have resources, SHARE!  This is a time to show love and compassion.  This is it folks!  If there is someone out there that you haven't treated the best you might want to apologize to them, sincerely.  If you have been putting things off to the side that you really love and want to do this is the time to do it.  That book you always wanted to write, that painting you always wanted to paint, that online business you always wanted to start, that song you always wanted to write, the meal you always wanted to prepare, that dress you wanted to make, that conversation you always wanted to have, etc.  This is it!  Don't waste time because we all don't know how much time we have here.  Make the best of it and cherish it!

-Be well,

XOXO -Araba

Araba (March, 2020)


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