Hustle & Grow

A few weeks ago one of my besties sent me a heartwarming text about how proud she was of me.  I was very grateful for her words.  The same week, my husband, acknowledged me with heartfelt cards and celebratory balloons.  I was full of gratitude, again.  Whether you are being celebrated by your loved ones and friends or not, make sure to always celebrate and congratulate yourself.  It's important!  Many people go day in and day out trying to obtain whatever goal that they have made for themselves.  The idea of the hustle has been ingrained in our psyches so much in this culture.  I have come to the realization that I do not want to hustle consistently, but rather enjoy the fruits of my labor more.  I don't want to exchange the stress of the 9 to 5 for another outlet of income to be drained and tired.  I don't think that we were put on this earth for that.  It's not all about the rat race or chasing the Benjamins, but rather about living and experiencing life to its fullest.  I do recognize that most of us have bills to pay, so we all can't just quit our jobs and go live our dreams.  Trust me, I get it, but as long as your mindset is not just on the hustle other aspects of your being will be  nurtured.  So I'll end by saying set your goals and take the steps to manifest them, but remember at some point you are supposed to enjoy life, rather than die trying.

My cards are on my work desk as a reminder for all my hard work and efforts.

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