Dealing with Disappointment

Many of us have been disappointed many times in our lives, whether it was because we had a part in it or someone else didn't meet up to our expectations.  Disappointment can be devastating depending on how big the ordeal is or isn't.  I know it can be hard to get over at times, but you have to because otherwise you will stay stuck and that's never any good.  I have to say since the New Year has been here I have been disappointed a few times, by friends, family and colleagues, alike.  I could have given up on myself or the other person or persons, all together, but I chose not to.  Don't get me wrong, there will be times where you will have to walk away for your sanity, safety, health or otherwise.  For the instances that I mentioned I didn't walk away because I chose to learn from the situations instead and find the positives.  There is usually at least one positive and there is always something to learn from.  So remember keep progressing on your journey no matter the road blocks.  You can make it!  You may just have to go around the hill versus over the hill.  Just don't give up!



Graduation from Montclair State University c/o 2017 - MA Graduate Degree
Photo Credit @Jay Wilson


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